Customer Testimonials

What Our Clients Say…

Joel R

I attended the CCC conducted by Dave in Sep 2015. He is very knowledgeable in firearms and safety. But more impressing part of the class was when he lectured on legal ramifications as well as insurance requirements of carrying a gun. Dave is knowledgeable, intelligent and respectable. A rare combination indeed!

Bonus: Nice FFL service!

Shooting Range Class:CCC

Jason W.

Dave is a great knowledgeable instructor who actually made the class very fun while still keeping proper gun handling and safety # 1 over anything else. Would definitely recommend for anybody looking to take their CCW class!!

Shooting Range Class:CCW

Bradie P.

I loved this experience. It was a great balance of delivery of the important information and hands-on training. Dave is patient, respectful and has an impressive wealth of background knowledge.

Phil P.

Enjoyed the class, appropriate for multiple levels of experience. Dave’s enthusiasm on the subject was obvious and is willing to be a continual resource.

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