Customer Testimonials

What Our Clients Say…

Nancy A.

Loved your class, Dave Nicioli. We had a mixed group of mostly novices and a couple of people with shooting experience, and it was perfect. Learned so much about safety, too.

Michael K.

Excellent class!!!! Dave is very down to Earth and secure in himself — he is willing to admit things he’s doesn’t know. For him, it’s all about the students — not his ego.

The class I took (Illinois Conceal Carry) was truly awesome. Dave (probably due to his years in military service) starts with fundamentals and tends NOT to use a lot of firearms jargon or assume students know more than they do. He would be an awesome instructor no matter your level because of his ability to adjust to the student.

Shooting Range Class:Illinois Concealed Carry

big Dave

Thanks had a great time learned a lot and gave a lot to think about.would recommend the class to anybody thinking of conceal carry or just wants to learn to shoot properly and gun care.

Frank K.

Also wanted to say thanks for a great course. It was really informative and I enjoyed the hands on aspects and all the additional resources that you directed me to. I would highly recommend you and your company to anyone I come across that is looking for any kind of firearms training.

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